Hello hello! Grace here.
I hope you’re all having a decent week.
Each day comes with something new, good or bad, doesn’t it? I’m slowly learning to just take it all as it comes, and don’t let each wave take me down. Acceptance is key to feeling any kind of peace right now, I think.

Forgive me, I’m about to get a bit deep. But if it helps one person, then I’m ok with that.
Some mindful imagery that is helping me cope with all of this… is the ocean. I imagine I’m standing on a beach in the waves (not very deep though, because the ocean scares me).
Each wave represents some news, or something that’s happening amid COVID-19. Though the water is way choppier than ever before, no wave yet has been big enough to take me (or you) down. A few waves have looked worryingly massive in the distance, but by the time they got to my knees… I was able to stand through them quite easily. Intensely high death tolls are huge waves, and I see them. But they’re happening further down the beach. They’re happening on my doorstep, but not inside my house. Perspective.

My main point is to try not to worry until there is something to worry about. Much easier said than done, I know. But simply, if we freak out about every single wave, we will make ourselves ill. We only have to worry about the big ones. And even then… we’ll likely figure out how to swim through them. Such is life.
I used to use another visual. Sitting on the bottom of a lake (with mermaid-like breathing skills) and all of life’s problems are just raindrops on the surface of the lake above. Most are just a light pitter-patter and you can sit there in peace, unfazed. But then there can be a huge storm on the surface of the water. The trick is to accept that it IS happening, but you’re safe on the floor of the lake, unaffected, other than your thoughts or anxiety about it, which you can learn to control. But I’d argue that this COVID-19 is more like crashing waves on a beach, than a chilled out lake floor! That one wasn’t working for me anymore
So I’m on the beach, taking each wave as it comes. And I’ll try not to worry unless I find myself IN a big wave. How about you? As humans, we spend 90% of our time worrying about things that don’t eventuate. And that’s exhausting.
The stronger and calmer we are, the better we ride those waves if they do come. And the better we can help those people that do topple in a big one.

We can also equip ourselves with floating devices to make ourselves feel safer. Crafting is a life jacket. Supportive community groups are lifebuoys. Friends and family are small boats.
We are all certainly in this together, as socially distanced as we are. And what is happening in our lovely craft community is quite magical.
Between my Mums Daily Doodles, and everyone around the world being quarantined together… our groups Clarity Worldwide and Groovi Worldwide, are becoming more ‘worldwide’ than ever before. We are all diving in headfirst (it’s safer under the waves) no matter where in the world we are. I’m in NYC. My Mum is in the South of England. My brother is in San Francisco. And YOU are everywhere. Literally. Whilst running the social media, I see it all. Texas, Norway, New Zealand, France, Birmingham England… Birmingham Alabama, Australia, every little town in England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, some people from China and India, Iceland, and all the other places in-between… and THAT is cool.
Our ‘little’ groups have been growing for years. And that’s why they’re like a family, because the base is so strong. We’ve been doing this for a while now… But our families are growing so quickly at the moment, and in a very international way. Which really highlights how much we are all in this together, around the world, no matter where we are.
So, one of our wonderful groups has an announcement!

We just want to say THANK YOU! To all our friends, members & customers that have helped us reach 5k on Groovi Worldwide.
In January (when I started managing Facebook) I started writing out every new members name in a moleskin diary, so that I could welcome each and every one without making any mistakes in those welcome posts! And now, I say a silent prayer for every single name I write down. That’s a lot of people, and that’s a lot of prayers. We have so much love, support and kindness in these groups, it’s quite unique. And we are VERY proud of our Groovi Family!
So, thank you again! We are all in this together.
Stay safe, stay well, stay calm. Keep riding those waves
Lotsa Love, Grace xoxo
Clarity – The Home of Art, Craft and Well-being.